Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas... A Little?

(From Dec. 18, 2010)

Last night I chauffeured some friends into the city. We were in search of Christmas lights. This is a tradition that usually helps to put you in the "spirit" during this time of year.

Having lived in the DC area all my life, I've learned where the really good spots are. There are some incredible tucked-away neighborhoods--far and away from the monuments--that have been known to draw crowds of gawking light-seekers every year.

So we cruised the curvy stretch through Rock Creek, looped up onto Connecticut into Woodley, passed the Zoo, cut over to Wisconsin near the Cathedral, drove through Tenleytown over toward American U and down into the Rockwood neighborhood. (Yes, you can be impressed with my knowledge of upper NW). Strange thing though. Coursing through these established neighborhoods, we were quickly aware that there were practically no Christmas lights this year. Sure, we saw a few wreaths and there was a decent offering of decorated trees in bay windows. But the relatively few homes that actually donned lights on the outside stuck out amidst a sea of dark streets. And many of these displays were tacky at best, looking as if they were just thrown up. Pun intended.

Needless to say we were quite surprised at the sadly lackluster showing of Christmas cheer in our Nation's Capital. We chalked it up to the recession. Tough times seem to suck the seasonal cheer out of folk--at least to the point of cutting back or cutting the decorations altogether.

Of course, as believers we know that true Christmas spirit is not based on the economy. Real joy comes from knowing Jesus. And it's not a seasonal thing. It's joy that the Bible calls "unspeakable" and "neverending." And it's a joy that should be on display for all to see.

Have you ever been guilty of not shining during tough times? I have. Have circumstances, situations, or relationships persuaded you to keep your spiritual lights tucked away in the basement? God help us! It's during the difficult and dark times that we most need light!!! Not just for the benefit of those watching, but for ourselves as well, for we too need to be reminded that with Jesus, there's gonna be a brighter day.

Be encouraged. No matter how bad it gets, you will always have that Light within. The world didn't give it, and the world can't take it away. So show off your Light and let everybody know that Jesus is never in short supply.

Merry Christmas!

Wow. That Was Quick!

It's over. Just like that. Once again, Christmas came and went. All the anticipation, the decorating, the shopping excursions and gift wrapping--and it's gone. Just like that.

This reminds me of life. We put a lot emphasis on "things" like homes, cars and careers. We plan. We work. We do so much to obtain and maintain these all-important staples of our existence. But they have little shelf life. They don't last, nor provide enduring fulfillment.

Since life is so short, why not concentrate on things that really matter? Why waste precious time and energy on stuff that won't outlive you on earth, let alone eternity?

What are the things that last, you ask? Relationships last. Lives last. People last. Not much else. Let's face it. Unless you're investing in someONE, everything you do is gonna burn like wood, hay or stubble. It's a wise thing to put our effort into things that will ultimately benefit PEOPLE.

There IS one other thing we can concentrate on for ourselves. Romans 12:2 tells us, "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. That's why God tells us to keep it clean, focused, refreshed each and every day. Nothing profound here, just simple, daily meditation on the Word (Joshua 1:8), and guarding against bad influences. So simple, yet many of us fail miserably, ultimately causing us to lose sight of the will of God and begin chasing after wood, hay and stubble.

Everybody asks, "Did you have a good Christmas?" And everybody pretty much answers, "Yes!" But if your life ended today could you say you had a GOOD LIFE? Did you accomplish what you wanted to? Were your dreams fulfilled? More importantly, were you in the will of God?

Life comes and goes really quick. Make it count. You could spend a lifetime trying to figure out what's best for you--and still fail! So don't try! Renew your mind EVERY DAY to stay plugged into the will of God. Then, pour yourself into others. Although Christmas is over, you'll find yourself giving and receiving all year long.