Friday, July 16, 2010

No Thanks??

Morning sings! Most of us are still recovering from an incredible COEBA week. Hope you've gotten some rest by now and are back at it- relishing the joys of work, or, whatever it is you do. I had a thought I wanted to share today. It was prompted, in part, by a really nice note a recent houseguest left when he departed. It was basically a heartfelt thanks for our hospitality and a personal expression of what the time in our home had meant to his life. There were specific details mentioned, and it was obvious that he took real time to clearly express the gratitude he felt. The note really made us feel...well, good! There's no other way to say it. It kinda just made my day. It also made me think about the importance of expressing gratitude in our lives. I think we all feel that we are grateful for blessings- to God, to our friends, parents, etc. We often take time to internalize how fortunate we are. But if we're honest, we might admit that we are sometimes lacking in our expression of that gratitude to God first, then to the people who do and give and pray and work for our benefit. We take people for granted, failing to realize our duty to simply say, "thank you." As children we are taught "please" and "thank you", but I've discovered that many people have mastered the "please" part but are flunking out when it comes to expressing gratitude. One of the most encouraging things you can ever do is to passionately and sincerely convey your appreciation for what someone does that impacts you. It never gets old! It can make all the difference in their day. AND it helps you to better appreciate and recognize the blessings in your life and to avoid developing a sense of entitlement. The late Walter Hawkins coined the words to the classic song, "be grateful." I might go a step further and say, "ACT grateful." Tell them. Show them. Never be mistaken for an ingrate! "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thess. 5:18. Love u guys. PM

Morning Shake

Don't we just love Fridays? There's something special about this day of the week. We anticipate a get-together with friends, plan a little shopping excursion, or, simply look forward to a few extra hours of sleep. Fridays create a happy outlook, in welcome contrast to the controlling regimen of the workweek. On the weekend **I** am in charge! I decide what I do. I even get to go to church. Yup, the weekend is about power. It's about control. 

So how much "control" do we really have in our lives? Case in point. When the ground under my house started moving shortly after 5 am today--was I in control?? The 3.6 magnitude earthquake that rattled the DC area this morning was not a part of my plans, or anyone else's. But it happened! I was sitting at my kitchen table. When the rumbling started, I looked outside, wondering why the trash truck was making so much noise! It was all over in 20 seconds, and I forgot about it, until a friend asked me a few hours later if I had felt it. 

The point is simple. We plan and map out our day. We anticipate things based on our priorities. But the reality is that God is categorically in control of not only our weekend, but our entire existence. It's great to have plans, but we should always live with the understanding of His power and ability to orchestrate the events of life and to alter our to-do lists according to His Master Plan. When we submit to HIS will--the unanticipated and often misunderstood events in life may surprise us, but they won't leave us shaking because we know Who's got the whole world--even my world--in His hands. Love you guys. PM

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Last Sunday night after church we were all hanging around late-like always-laughing and fellowshipping, still on the COEBA high. Soon after, in typical fashion, an overcrowded suv-load of rambunctious, well-dressed people was off to a local eatery to spend my money. Nestled in the group were my kids, Cam and Casey, 15 and 13 respectively (they think they're grown as much as I think I'm young). Cam had been complaining for some time about a sore on his leg that wouldn't heal-so long story short(ened)-we ALL ended up at the ER to get it checked out. We walked through the sliding doors to what resembled a scene from COPS as two officers mirandized a bloodied guy in restraints, right there in the doorway. Colorful language and sudden lunges indicated the suspect's disdain for our staring, so in a "non-Good Samaritan" sorta way, I stepped around the scene to sign in. "C'mon yall," I yelled back to the rest of the crew-my son included-still standing in the doorway pretending they weren't scared. After registering and going back into the ER, the nurse removed Cam's homemade dressing to gasp at the size of the large, oozing sore just above his left shin. We learned that the daily dosing of hydrogen peroxide, despite what we thought, was not helping the situation. The doc soon confirmed that this sore simply needed to be flushed daily with clean water and re-gauzed. It would take time, but this simple, regular procedure would eventually result in complete healing. Thinking about that episode this morning, I'm reminded of Eph. 5:26 where concerning the church, Jesus died "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word." Also, Psalm 119:9 which says, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word." People look to different sources to heal the wounds of life. Counsel, books, activity, meditation...these can all be "good" things, but there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, that can replace the spiritual and emotional balm of the Word of God. Do you have scars that won't seem to heal? Do you have hurt that needs attention? Bathe yourself in the Word! Consistently. Daily. It will take some time. But you will find restoration that only the Great Physician can guarantee.

The Office

I was asked this week about how to cope as a Christian in a very non-Christian work environment. Not all of us are fortunate enough to be surrounded by God's people everyday. (Be thankful if you are!) For the few years that I worked a "secular" job I had to deal with constant profanity, off-color humor and mockery of my God and my beliefs. It was difficult at times and I genuinely hated going to work. There was often the temptation to cower to the constant barrage by simply blending in and not making waves. At other times it seemed like lashing out and telling them "what's what" might be the thing to do. But the counsel I received back then and what I shared with someone this week is simply this: The best way to cure the darkness in a room is to turn on the light. Positivity dispels negativity. Righteousness conquers wickedness. Application? Don't stress about fixing a bad environment. Lost people WILL act lost. (In fact, so do many professing Christians-but that's for another day.) What I'm saying is, don't spend your time being critical of their ways, shaking your head when they cuss, and getting upset at their actions. Turn on the light! Talk about your Lord, your church, your faith, your awesome singles pastor:). Read your Bible on your break time. Invite them church. Politely excuse yourself from the joke circle. Dress well and modestly. Avoid office cliques and gossip. Guard against "too close" office relationships. Get to work early and stay late. Excel at your tasks. Turn on the light!!! You'll be amazed at how much more people respond to what we DO than to what we SAY. One person can make a difference. Most of all, don't be fake. Be real, while mindful that it's not a spotlight for your praise, but for His. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." Matt. 5:16.