Friday, August 14, 2009

What's in a name?

I have been inspired. Actually, that's a nice way of putting it. I am a copycat. An imitator. Blind follower. Monkey see, monkey do.

I'm referring to this blog. It was my perception of an instant hipness that several of my friends seemed to acquire when they started their blogs that motivated me to start mine. I've never been a blogger, or blog reader, in fact, it wasn't long ago that I consulted my friend wikipedia to find out what a blog was. Anyway, here we are. I have no idea what I'm gonna blog about. No agenda yet. That's a whole 'nother task. But at least I have a blog, buddy! Cue fanfare.

So the blog program prompts me to come up with a name. In some ways, that's harder than writing the blog itself. A name is so permanent. And it needs to be catchy, interesting, relevant. I couldn't just call it "Michael's blog" or "Pastor Mike's thoughts." (People should be allowed at least a couple of sentences before being put to sleep).

I've always had a fascination with names. Cemeteries pique my interest because of all those tombstone offerings. And I have a subconscious habit of assigning nicknames to people I know well. In fact, if I call you only by your real name, chances are, we're not close. No offense, LOL! My own name represents a personal journey. Growing up, I answered to "Mike." In college they called me "Tiny" (sarcasm? sanctimony? not sure, but one of those words applies). Then, "Mikey" at my first job. My Mom still affectionally calls me "Mighty Mike." And when I turned 40 this year I started referring to myself as "Michael." Just seemed appropriate.

Yet most people call me "Pastor Mike." I like that because it takes my calling into account while still making me seem accessible and friendly. "Pastor Michael" is awkward for the tongue. Not to mention, it sounds sort of priestly to me. No, "Pastor Mike" works just fine. And I even like some of the subtle offshoots, i.e., "PastMike" and "Passsuh Mike."

The name that has really stuck as of late is "PM." It's short, it's hip, and it suits the preferences of "Mike" and "Michael" enthusiasts alike. So that's the name I chose for MY blog. "PM."

Oh, and ironically, I'm a serious night owl. But that usually involves the early morning hours after midnight, so, nevermind.

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches..." Prov. 22:1


  1. I've only recently started reading blogs. I've added you to my list of three now that I'll follow. You always have encouraging things on Facebook, so now I'll watch what you have to say here. Thanks for being a great example to follow. (Jennifer Nagle)

  2. The same Shakespeare you qouted also said, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" ( sorry for the mushiness, but u get the point.), and this dovetails nicely with the previous comment. So PM still gets the job done. Happy blogging!


  3. PM suits you well! Catchy, unique, definitive, and at the same time it's a younger generation kind happenin' slogan. I know all to well your love for the hours after all the way back to college. I look forward to hearing you get on your soap box when you have something to sound off on. I alway enjoy hearing and reading what you have to say. Write on my brother!!!

  4. Ok PM- I am now a follower of your blog! It's not as catchy as P-Diddy, but it works for me!lol

  5. I enjoyed reading this first entry and look forward to more!
