Thursday, December 31, 2009

He's Making a List and Checking It 73 Times

Some people have their life all planned out. That was me, pretty much by the time I went to college. I would be in ministry, concentrating in music and administration, and eventually go into the pastorate. That was my “career” path. I followed it and I loved it.

In early 2006 after three weeks of personal turmoil, confusion and wrestling with God, everything changed. For the first time I understood what GOD had planned for my life. Of course, the concept I had mulled over was not totally new. Yet the idea of a special place where theatre, music and electronic media with a Christian worldview could flourish began to excite me and others. This “place” would be a spectacular destination whose thematic material, atmosphere and purpose would draw individuals and families from everywhere.

And so I began to embark on this project—to build Miracle Mansion.

But how in the world??

It was obvious that even the conceptualization of this was way above my pay grade, let alone the reality of it. If it was going to happen, God would have to do it. And a lot of people would need to stand with me. I could never do this alone.

Well, God willing, we will soon close on 73 acres of prime real estate where the Miracle Mansion complex will be built. This is 2010’s #1 goal! Three years ago the thought of purchasing a 17.5 million dollar piece of land was unfathomable. But God is making it possible. And people around the country are joining this effort. Miracle after miracle has taken place, and we are marching on toward opening night in late 2013.

So “73” has become my personal theme. What a great number! It was 1973 when the Dolphins defeated the Redskins for a perfect NFL season. “73” is the single season home run record set by Barry Bonds in 2001. I could go on and on, but I mostly love the fact that “73” is a number containing two integers symbolizing “perfection or completion” and “God.” This motivates me as I am reminded that we have an awesome God who can do “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.”

With that in mind I prayerfully set 73 personal goals for 2010. A friend reminded me that if we “fail to plan, we plan to fail.” I may not accomplish all of them, but it won’t be due to the lack of a plan. I just want to be the best I can be for God and for His purpose in my life.

Thanks so much to each of you for the encouragement over the last 73 days. I so appreciate your prayers for the many more days ahead.

For information about the Miracle Mansion Project or to learn how to be a part of Groundswell73, visit

Personal Goals for 2010:
1. Close on the 73-acre property
2. Lose weight
3. Bring Lora home from work for good
4. Lead 52 people to Christ
5. Complete Groundswell73
6. Complete my novel, The Miracle Mansion
7. Become the most important person in the world to someone who really needs it
8. Buy Lora a killer diamond ring
9. Improve my prayer life
10. Host major MM event at the Kennedy Center
11. Teach Cameron to Drive
12. Write a musical
13. Be 100% accessible to my friends
14. Conquer procrastination
15. Memorize the Book of James
16. Bring on full-time MM staff
17. Spend more time with my parents
18. Travel to visit every Crossroads college student
19. Go away for a couple of days with Cameron
20. Go away for a couple of days with Casey
21. Throw Granddaddy a 100th birthday party
22. Hire a top-notch church pianist
23. Develop the MM Campus Project
24. Set aside a weekly date night with Lora
25. Attend one performance of each of Diana’s shows
26. Read a book each month
27. Start a college fund
28. Grow the College and Career Class to a consistent 45
29. Get 60 singles to the Retreat
30. Promote the July COEBA Gathering in January
31. Have Lari Goss in for a choral workshop
32. Start an orchestra at church
33. Produce a new Choir Christmas CD
34. Remodel basement
35. Complete collaboration on a book about church music
36. Hire the primary architect for MM
37. Buy a new MacBook Pro
38. Open up a Groundswell73 investment for my godchildren
39. Family vacation in California
40. Increase our Faith-Promise Missions commitment
41. Get Maureen to DC
42. Do choir workshops in Georgia & Arkansas
43. Work with budding new soloists
44. Get reacquainted with my cousins
45. Attend the Brooklyn Tab Music Conference
46. Relearn Spanish
47. Pay off all credit card debt
48. Teach my kids about money
49. Learn forty new choir anthems
50. Remodel kitchen
51. Build a screened-in porch
52. Remodel master bath
53. Reconnect with my high school class
54. Plan a trip to Africa for 2011
55. Relearn sign language
56. Raise money for projection screens
57. Host a Summer Fine Arts Camp
58. Complete Graduate Course in Organizational Management
59. Plan a family reunion
60. Complete Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving
61. Host a regular Bible Study
62. Produce and publish a good choral arrangement
63. Go to a Cowboys game
64. See Mary Poppins in the summer at the Kennedy Center
65. Visit my extended family in Cincinnati
66. Convert 25 years of sermon cassette recordings to CD/mp3
67. Visit the Creation Museum in KY
68. Keep a daily journal
69. Write a really good song
70. Get a dog
71. Visit my dearest friends
72. Take the family to see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
73. Learn to play the guitar

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on my blog reading...enjoyed your list. How is it going with three months to go?
