Saturday, December 12, 2009

Twenty Oh Nine In Review

See if you can come up with your ten. Warning! Might have to think really hard.

2009’s Most Significant…

1. Most Significant Blessing—The progress of the Miracle Mansion Project. Many people became partners in this venture through their confidence in me and the vision. This is an amazing and humbling reality for which I am ridiculously grateful. Groundsell73 was a God-given plan that makes me tremble with the realization of God’s goodness to me.

2. Most Significant Trial—My sickness and hospitalization in late April. I had never been really sick before so coming down with a severe infection and lymphedema was an ordeal. In retrospect and in light of what others go through, all of it was pretty mild. But at the time, the fact that I couldn’t go to church and that I was incapacitated and a burden to my family was extremely depressing. I hid it well, because I genuinely hate sympathy. But I went through a great deal of guilt and self-pity before I began to be grateful for what I later learned could have taken my life. God was good, so good, in spite of me.

3. Most Significant Lesson—I learned to prioritize this year. I’ve always tried to do everything, and, as a result, usually got little to nothing done. The art of delegation—haven’t mastered it yet, but I’m trying. I also began to prepare for what I believe God wants me to do in the future. Now if I could just conquer procrastination. Oh well, that’s for another day.

4. Most Significant Life Change—I developed a love for writing. Before, I always wrote out of necessity. This year it became my most rewarding pastime. TO BE CONTINUED…

5. Most Significant Purchase or Acquisition—This was not a big year for self or family spending, so I’m gonna go with the acquisition angle. My friend Wayne gave me a guitar on his birthday. That was pretty remarkable.

6. Most Significant Regret or Personal Failure—Quite a few of these. Didn’t improve my prayer life much over 2008. Didn’t lose weight. Got several speeding tickets. And those are just the ones I’m willing to talk about. Thankful for forgiveness and second chances.

7. Most Significant Accomplishment—This one took some thought. Listing perceived accomplishments sounds really arrogant. And I had to really think to come up with something. If there’s one thing I can say that I feel especially good about, it is the fact that we made the decision to bring the COEBA National Gathering back home to Crossroads this past year. It saved us tens of thousands of dollars and was a phenomenal meeting.

8. Most Significant New or Improved Relationship—This one’s really hard too because it tends to imply status levels. I can’t stop at one, and I’m sure I’ll regret it later. But I gained many new friends this year. Tommy Creek is one of the most encouraging people I’ve ever met. In fact, his whole family is amazing. Maureen Zinser (aka—“Mojo”) is an incredible, smart, kind and caring individual of whom I think the world. There were rekindled friendships too. For example, if I start talking about my “refound” friend, Erin Bruce, I’ll get emotional. God broke the mold with her. And Doug Schweitzer remains the epitome of a godly iron-sharpener. I wanna be like him when I grow up. Existing friendships got even stronger, like with Carl Jefferson who is my brother and closest confidant, Wayne Maynard who cheers and supports me like no other and Deke Green who I would trust with my life. My wife, my immediate family, my adopted daughter, Diana, and my godchildren are priceless and really don’t belong in this list. My singles here and around the country, well, I would give everything I have for them. Longtime and ongoing relationships are too numerous to name, and there is no need to catch feelings because I love you all so much and you are irreplaceable. (Not to mention, this is supposed to be about “new” friendships anyway!!!) So by that token, my most significant new friend of 2009 was Olivia Yates. Can’t describe what a blessing she's been. One in a million. I thank the Lord for OMY. Period.

9. Most Significant Event or Trip—My 40th birthday weekend in June was one of the most enjoyable events of my entire life. The overnighter at a French-style villa in Amish country with special people was a dream. Can’t wait until my next 40th birthday.

10. Most Significant Memory—Here again, maybe you can do it, but I honestly can’t come up with just one. Several things jump to the forefront of my mind: An Inauguration that was extremely surreal. Our Easter Sunrise Service when poor Jon passed out and scared us all. Lady Paysour’s Homegoing. Liv’s surprise party and accompanying trickeries. My all-night drive home from Atlanta in August. Watching church on my laptop while lying in a hospital bed on a Sunday morning. A barbecue at Pat Robertson’s house. A marvelous singles retreat—particularly one very late game night. Five intense conversations—one regrettable and troubling at the time, one that was five hours long and THE MOST hilarious ever, one where I explained an unconventional plan to a panel of astute businessmen who listened and agreed, one where I had to say “no” despite a strong appeal for me to say “yes”, and one where I did all the talking as the listener cringed in absolute discomfort. Lastly, I have to say that my trip to Montreal in December will not be soon forgotten.

A year of mountains and valleys, of new opportunities and new friends, of new starts and abrupt endings. Yet through it all, God's been good!

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